

All Reagents You Need, Available in One Click

For your maximum order flexibility, our IVD-reagents and assays are available as well via our eStore.

For more details, please contact our Customer Care Centre via application@adaltis.net

ADALTIS provides you a wide range assortment in reagents, assays and ready-to- use kits to screen and diagnose blood, serum, plasma or other body fluids for viruses and other infectious agents and pathogens.

Our IVD-certified reagents / assays are excellent in quality, have outstanding performance, and the ease of use including the all in one kit concept for microplate assays, make our IVD-reagents the principal solution for every laboratory that require economical and efficient daily workflow.

ADALTIS IVD-reagents/assays have excellent performance, complete validation and maximum ease of use on our automated systems in automated microplate processing (Personal LAB, NEXgen).

IVD-reagents and assays are available for the segments: Blood virus, serology and virology.



The EIAgen line is a complete range of microplate assays able to satisfy the requirements of the most demanding laboratories.

  • The excellent quality of Adaltis products, outstanding performance and ease of use, make the EIAgen assays the best solution for every laboratory.
  • The EIAgen assays are completely automated on Personal LAB and NEXgen instruments. All application protocols have been validated and approved.
  • The kits use our TMB-substrate ‘Blue Star’, this world renowned component is ready to use and has long stability and shelf life.
  • Almost all assays include reagents that are ready to use and have a shelf life of at least 12 months.



Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic disease caused by the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii.[1] The parasite infects most genera of warm-blooded animals, including humans, but the primary host is the felid (cat) family. Animals are infected by eating infected meat, by ingestion of feces of a cat that has itself recently been infected, and by transmission from mother to fetus. Cats are the primary source of infection to human hosts, although contact with raw meat, especially lamb, is a more significant source of human infections in some countries. Fecal contamination of hands is a significant risk factor.[2]

Product Name Code
EIAgen Toxoplasma IgG Kit 091000
EIAgen Toxoplasma IgM Kit 091001